Surrey Bach Festival - July 13th Come and Sing - Current Occam Choir, The Occam Singers

Type of post: Local Musical Events
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Keith McClurey
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, 5 Jun 2024
I'm writing to let you know about an upcoming series of events in Stoke D'Abernon, at the brand-new Surrey Bach Festival, which may be of interest to your choir's members. I would be very grateful if you could forward this email on to the choir membership, or perhaps make an announcement at a rehearsal. A poster is attached to this email, and website and ticketing links available here: Festival Website and Tickets.

On Saturday 13th July, we are excited to present a Come and Sing Day as part of the Surrey Bach Festival; an exciting and fulfilling day of working on Vivaldi's timeless GLORIA and Bach's beautiful JESU MEINE FREUDE. Morning and afternoon workshops with festival director Matthew Brown will culminate in a showcase performance at 6pm in the beautiful St Mary's Church. Tickets are £20, including free tea and coffee in the morning and afternoon breaks, and the showcase concert is free admission.

In addition to this, the festival is presenting several other concerts that may be of interest; on Thursday 11th July at 19:30, a concert of Bach Motets performed by young professional choir The Queenes Chappell; on Friday 12th July at 19:00 a performance of John Blow's baroque opera Venus + Adonis by fringe opera company Istante Opera, and two performances on Sunday 14th July with acclaimed international harpsichordist and director Steven Devine; a harpsichord recital of famous works by J.S. Bach at 13:00, and an evening orchestral concert with the Surrey Bach Festival Orchestra, conducted by Steven Devine, at 19:30.

Tickets are limited for all events, including the Come and Sing Day, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Best wishes,
Matthew Brown

Surrey Bach Festival

Matthew Brown

Organist and Director of Music, St Mary’s Stoke D’Abernon
Artistic Director, Surrey Bach Festival

St Mary’s Church
Stoke Road
Stoke D’Abernon
KT11 3PX

07907 227230