Waverley Singers 24th March

Type of post: Local Musical Events
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Keith McClurey
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Mon, 4 Mar 2024

I attach the flyer for our forthcoming ‘Mass in Blue’ concert at Farnham Maltings on Sunday, 24th March at 6pm. The concert also features Bob Chilcott’s ‘Little Jazz Mass’, and a jazz set by the Will Todd Ensemble.
We are thrilled that Will Todd himself will be performing with us at The Maltings. He is also coming to take our rehearsal on 22nd February, and in addition he has shared with us his thoughts about the hugely successful ‘Mass in Blue’ in a podcast interview for our YouTube channel. You can see a short trailer for that interview here; it also contains the link to the full interview here. As you can see, his advice to the choir is: “Don’t be on the back foot!”
I would be most grateful if you could circulate the flyer together with these links to your members and anyone else you think might be interested. It is going to be a great concert!

A retiring collection after the concert will be taken in aid of "The Fountain Centre". an independant charity providing emotional and holistic support, both online and face to face for you and your family.

If you would like a copy of the flyer for this concert to email or print, please tap or click
the thumbnail on the right.


If you usually obtain tickets through a choir member, please continue to do so, as it saves us card charges. Patrons can book reserved seats through patrons@waverleysingers.com.

Otherwise tickets can be booked through TicketSource - £15/£20 in advance, and £17/£22 general on the door if available (no card charges). For reserved seats for wheelchairs and carers, please contact tickets@waverleysingers.com.
I do hope some of you may be able to attend.

If you are no longer the contact for the choir, we would be grateful if you could let know us who is, so that we can update our records.

Kind regards

Carolyn Patey

Secretary - Waverley Singers