Madrigals at Petworth 1st May

Type of post: Local Musical Events
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Keith McClurey
Status: Archived
Date Posted: Mon, 4 Mar 2024
I am organising an informal 30-min concert of Elizabethan madrigals in Petworth to celebrate May Day.
Performance on Wednesday 1st May (11am for 12noon).
Rehearsal in Duncton on Wednesday 24 April 11am-1pm.
Repertoire is mix of familiar and rarely-heard items themed around 'May', using my own editions which remove the visual clutter of barlines and ties.
I'm seeking singers with clear voices and very good reading skills, able to come to the April rehearsal note perfect!
Interested singers are invited to send me an email to requesting more details.
Thank you – Christopher Mabley